Creative Expressions Group at Palmer Recovery Center
Deepen your connection to yourself and to others. You don’t need to be an “Artist” or “Crafty” to participate. Lead by Meg Lewis, a certified recovery coach and registered healthcare professional with over 30 years of experience working in direct patient care, management and education.
Substances dull our ability to experience feelings of joy naturally, and in early recovery, it takes time to build back the ability to release organic feelings of happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose. Creativity allows us to build back that ‘muscle’ faster by creating just for the sake of creating. Creativity doesn’t mean we have to produce a masterpiece, it simply means we are tapping into a lost part of ourselves through things like art, singing, making music, journaling, or dance/movement, to name a few. Creativity can bring with it almost child-like feelings of silliness and/or healthy abandon, which enhances our recovery while bringing joy into our lives.