A Well Fed Life-Alumni Group

This group is for alumni of previous workshops. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in attending the next 5 week session.
Who knew our body was made to feel so good? Harnessing the power of group support, we will work on setting personal goals for wellness and healthier eating. ​​What are realistic wellness goals for each individual, based on your current situation?
Kira Kraiman of A Well Fed Life is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Health Educator! She has over 20 years of experience in health education and coaching and is dedicated to helping people make the behavioral change necessary to live A Well Fed Life. Her passion is to use coaching and educational tools to help everyone improve their health and wellness in the most holistic ways possible, addressing issues of mind, body and spirit!  Kira helps people to reach their health goals slowly but surely, so it becomes and remains part of their new lifestyle.
We will discuss the following topics:
  • Setting a personal plan for achieving the goals we set.  May include breaking down the goal into smaller goals, creating time in your schedule to work on the goal, stress management, and looking at some recipes.
  • Emotional support and tools for overcoming things like comfort eating, cravings and fear of failure.
Thanks to a grant from TODAY, Inc. Sync Recovery is able to offer this 5 week session.

The event is finished.


Nov 18 2020


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm




Sync Recovery Community
Sync Recovery Community
(215) 892-3658