Lehigh Valley Walk For Recovery

Lehigh Valley Walk For Recovery

LEHIGH VALLEY WALK FOR RECOVERY was created with the goal of bringing the community, people in recovery, and their families together for a day of celebration, advocacy, and support. This event is sponsored by LEHIGH VALLEY WALK FOR RECOVERY.  Please use this link to...
Sync Nutrition – The Dirt on Sugar, Part 1

Sync Nutrition – The Dirt on Sugar, Part 1

Are you addicted to sugar?  This two part series will set you straight on the dirty secrets of sugar. Part 1 – What is considered sugar? We will look at the definition of “sugar” and where hidden sugars are found in our food. We will take a hard look at the...
Full Moon Yoga & Total Lunar Eclipse -Sync Breath & Motion (Y12SR with Meaghan) via ZOOM

Sync Breath and Motion Y12SR Yoga on ZOOM

Yoga of 12-Step Recovery with Larissa Noto provides an adjunct for healing the body, mind, and spirit.  This class will start with a gentle Yoga practice which will lead into a 12-Step discussion meeting. Open to anyone dealing with their own or a loved one’s...