Sync Recovery Adventure-Tohickon & High Rock Loop Hike

Sync Recovery Adventure-Tohickon & High Rock Loop Hike

We’ll meet at Tohickon Valley Park parking lot and hike to  High Rocks. It is a 3.9 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Pipersville, Pennsylvania that features a river and is rated as moderate. Please bring water and snacks to fuel your body. Please...
Sync Service-Trail Maintenance-Kirkridge

Sync Service-Trail Maintenance-Kirkridge

We will be doing trail maintenance (removing brush and trees from trails) and Blazing (marking trails with Paint) at Kirkridge Retreat Center. Be prepared for chilly weather and dress in layers and bring hand tools. Pruners, chainsaws, gloves, paint, stencil, would be...
Sync Recovery Adventure- Sunrise Hike at Mount Minsi

Sync Recovery Adventure- Sunrise Hike at Mount Minsi

Come out and catch the sunrise with us on Mount Minsi!  Witness the first light of day dancing across the sky. On Sunday, November 7th, we will meet at 5 am (directions are in the link below).  The hike will begin promptly at 5:15 AM!  This hike will be dark &...
Sync Recovery Adventure-Sky Dive

Sync Recovery Adventure-Sky Dive

It takes a distinct type of person to disregard their instincts and step outside of a plane at 14,000 ft. It takes courage. But you don’t have to jump without knowing what to expect first. Expect sensory overload as your mind and body battle against all your...