Hyzer Flippers Disc Golf – Jordan Creek
“In disc golf as in life, it’s the follow through that makes the biggest difference.” – Unknown
Disc golf is a flying disc sport in which players throw a disc at a target; it is played using rules similar to golf. It is usually played on a course with 9 or 18 holes.
Players complete a hole by throwing a disc from a tee pad or area toward a target, throwing again from where the previous throw landed until the target is reached.
Usually, the number of throws a player uses to reach each target is tallied (often in relation to par), and players seek to complete each hole in the lowest number of total throws.
All walks of recovery are welcome. Please wear appropriate attire; bring water & snacks to fuel your body.
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Call or text our Director of Education & Peer Support, Per Hagen, at 215.380.3341 if you need more information.