Low Impact Hike w/Brenda

Low Impact Hike w/Brenda

A monthly series of low-impact hikes/walks designed to get people new to hiking, or who have been away from it for a while, outside and into nature at various locations throughout Northampton/Lehigh Counties. As the group makes progress, the hiking level will...
Low Impact Hike – Jacobsburg

Low Impact Hike – Jacobsburg

A monthly series of low-impact hikes/walks designed to get people new to hiking, or who have been away from it for a while, outside and into nature at various locations throughout Northampton/Lehigh Counties. As the group makes progress, the hiking level will...
Higher Ground Hikers – Trexler Nature Preserve

Higher Ground Hikers – Trexler Nature Preserve

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” – Aristotle Hikes are moderate to hard – be prepared for a brisk pace, challenging trails, and a good workout. We will will have a recovery meeting during or at the conclusion of...
Higher Ground Hikers – Tohickon Valley Park

Higher Ground Hikers – Tohickon Valley Park

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir Hikes are moderate to hard – be prepared for a brisk pace, challenging trails, and a good workout. We will will have a recovery meeting during or at the conclusion of our...