Hike at Maurice Rivers Bluff-Millville NJ

Hike at Maurice Rivers Bluff-Millville NJ

Join us for this hike in the beautiful Maurice Rivers Bluff Preserve and connect with nature and friends!! Named for its majestic rounded cliffs overlooking the 35.4-mile “Wild and Scenic” Maurice River, this 500-acre preserve offers hilly terrain not often found in...
Jim Roney’s “You Can Ukulele” at Palmer Recovery Center

Jim Roney’s “You Can Ukulele” at Clean Slate

“There’s something about the ukulele that just makes you smile. It makes you let your guard down. It brings out the child in all of us.” – Jake Shimabukuro A Clean Slate is hosting this workshop that is designed to introduce you to playing the Ukulele....
Keyboard with Gabe at Oasis Community Center

Keyboard with Gabe at Oasis Community Center

“Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.”-Kelsey Grammer Looking forward to these keyboard lessons taught by Gabe! No experience is necessary and we have keyboards to borrow. For...
Sync Creativity at The Hope Center

Sync Creativity at The Hope Center

Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary times.”-Bruce Garrabrandt This workshop is designed to explore all sorts of creative pathways. Masks are required at the Hope Center for this event.  Thank...