by Laura Waits | Apr 28, 2022
“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, they have the heart! – Elizabeth Andrew
by Meaghan Emmons | Apr 27, 2022
We are so happy you are interested in volunteering with Sync Recovery Community. If you landed “here” we hope you have had a chance to come to some of our events or taken a look at our website and have an idea about who we are and what we do. At the...
by Laura Waits | Mar 23, 2022
Volunteer at Kirkridge by helping with building maintenance. We will be doing maintenance on our storage building. Clearing brush, painting, cleaning out any debris, setting up shelving, desk, hooks for hanging items. “Volunteers don’t necessarily have...
by Laura Waits | Mar 20, 2022
Did you know gardening can influence and benefit your mental health? “Interacting with nature, especially with the presence of water, can increase self-esteem and mood, reduce anger, and improve general psychological well-being with positive effects on emotions or...