Low Impact Hike w/Brenda

Low Impact Hike w/Brenda

A monthly series of low-impact hikes/walks designed to get people new to hiking, or who have been away from it for a while, outside and into nature at various locations throughout Northampton/Lehigh Counties. As the group makes progress, the hiking level will...
Sync Service @ Kirkridge

Sync Service @ Kirkridge

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller Give back to Sync through service! 💗 We will be preparing for our Spring Camping Weekend – cleaning/organizing all camping equipment, splitting/hauling wood, gathering/packing utensils,...

Music w/Gabe @ Oasis Community Center

“Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.” – Kelsey Grammer No experience or instruments necessary! Gabe Toth’s rich and varied musical life began early as a major...
Indoor Rock Climbing at the Doylestown Rock Gym

Indoor Rock Climbing at the Doylestown Rock Gym

Push the boundaries and try rock climbing at the Doylestown Rock Gym. Rock Climbing can help develop goal-setting skills, creative problem-solving skills, patience and persistence, self-confidence, and communication skills. Doylestown Rock Gym offers over 12,000...