by Laura Waits | Aug 31, 2022
“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary times.” – Bruce Garrabrandt This workshop is designed to explore all sorts of creative pathways. New day, same HOPE-FULL place & good...
by Laura Waits | Jul 25, 2022
Deepen your connection to yourself and to others. You don’t need to be an “Artist” or “Crafty” to participate. Lead by Meg Lewis, a certified recovery coach and registered healthcare professional with over 30 years of experience working...
by Emmie Itterly | Jul 25, 2022
Higher Ground Hikers will hike Kirkridge Retreat Center at Turning Point Bookstore. These hikes are moderate to difficult. Please bring water & snacks to fuel your body. Be prepared for a brisk pace, challenging trails, and a good workout. We will have a recovery...