Sync Creativity at The Hope Center

Sync Creativity at The Hope Center

Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary times.”-Bruce Garrabrandt This workshop is designed to explore all sorts of creative pathways. Masks are required at the Hope Center for this event.  Thank...
Beginner Hiking Series-Kirkridge

Beginner Hiking Series-Kirkridge

Sync offers a series of beginner hikes for the novice or those seeking easy hikes/walks. As the group makes progress the level of hikes will increase. This will be offered monthly at different interesting and beautiful locations.  Check back monthly for the next hike!...
Drum Circle group at Kirkridge

Drum Circle group at Kirkridge

Drumming is an embodiment of prayer inviting us to listen deeply to the heartbeat of God/Higher Power/Spirit of Life. Joyful and uplifting, we discover our own rhythms and connect to the rhythms of others. Join us for an experience of group drumming where we will...
Keyboard with Gabe at Oasis

Keyboard with Gabe at Oasis

“Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.”-Kelsey Grammer Looking forward to these keyboard lessons taught by Gabe! No experience is necessary and we have keyboards to borrow. For...
Creative Expressions Group at Palmer Recovery Center

Creative Expressions Group at Palmer Recovery Center

Deepen your connection to yourself and to others. You don’t need to be an “Artist” or “Crafty” to participate. Each session will begin with setting an intention for the day. Activities may include journaling, making vision boards,...